
Welcome to my new blog! I’m thrilled you’re here.

Let me be upfront: I’m not promising to change your life with this content. That’s not my intention.

Instead, my goal is to share perspective on personal and professional innovation that I hope will inspire positive impact in your life.

I find joy and fulfillment in helping people succeed, so this is as therapeutic for me as I hope it is helpful for you.

Let’s start with the title

“In 60” implies that each post can be consumed in 60 seconds or less, and I will self-allow 60 minutes to write it because I value our shared time. Plus, I tend to ramble, so I’ve saved us both from that.

The phrase “0 to 1” comes from the business world and often refers to innovation – the process of going from nothing to something extraordinary.

For me, innovation is not always about making a huge breakthrough, but rather taking the first step towards progress, no matter how small. My goal is to share personal reflections on the small and big innovations around us that can lead to positive change.

So, each post will cover a topic from “0 to 1” – from an idea or observation to something that can have a tangible impact on our lives.

The future of this blog

I want this blog to be human, imperfect, and personal, and I want it to start a conversation – one that I’m excited to have with you.

In future posts, I plan to cover a range of topics based on personal experience and interest. I might explore what’s new in the world of tech, share tricks of the product management trade, discuss mental health, or talk about the day-to-day challenges of time management.

I’m open to your feedback, ideas, and questions for topics to write about too!


If you’ve made it this far, I am humbled. Thank you so much for trading your valuable time to take a chance on me and this blog.

I have overshot 60 seconds today, but I believe in the importance of properly setting expectations at the start of a journey or project, for the both of us.

If you have any feedback, questions, or just want to say hi, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us.

See you soon!

Chris (and Sprout!)

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